Nova Scotians will be able to receive COVID-19 exposure alerts directly to their smartphones when using Health Canada’s free COVID Alert App.
COVID Alert can be downloaded through the Apple or Google Play app stores. When installed, the app communicates using Bluetooth with nearby phones which also have the app installed. An app user who tests positive for COVID-19, is given a unique code by the Nova Scotia Health Authority to input into COVID Alert.
COVID-19 Alert App • Since the start of the pandemic, our province’s collective goal has been to flatten the curve and keep COVID activity low. Nova Scotians have shown a steadfast commitment to this effort. • As we adjust to our new normal, COVID Alert is another tool that will help keep ourselves and our communities safe and healthy. • COVID Alert is one measure to prevent and reduce the spread of the virus in our province. Nova Scotians are reminded they should continue to follow all public health measures.
What is the COVID Alert App? COVID Alert has been developed by Health Canada and it is an application for your smartphone. If you have the app installed on your phone, you can receive exposure alerts if you come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and uses the app.
How does it work? If an app user tests positive for COVID-19, they are provided a unique code from the Nova Scotia Health Authority to input into the app. If any other app users phone comes into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and they are using the app, they will receive a notification.
Is the app mandatory for those who test positive for COVID-19? No. The app is available for free and voluntary for Nova Scotians who choose to download and use it.
What happens when someone receives a notification? When someone receives a notification that they may have been exposed, they are directed to click a link that takes them to learn what to do next. This includes monitoring for symptoms for the next 14 days and if they begin to feel unwell, to take the online self-assessment.
What do you mean by close contact? How close and for how long? App users will receive a notification if their phone was within 2 metres/6 feet for at least 15 minutes of the infected person’s phone.
What about privacy? Will the app track your location? Reveal personal or confidential health information? The app uses Bluetooth technology to communicate with nearby phones with the app installed. The app does not contain personal or health information and does not know or track the location, name, or contacts of any user.
Where can you download the app? Does it work on all phones? The app is free and can be downloaded through the Apple or Google Play stores and should work on any smartphone released in the last 5 years.
Quick Facts: -- as of Oct. 15, more than four million Canadians have downloaded COVID Alert
Additional Resources: Coronavirus (COVID-19): download COVID Alert:
How the COVID Alert app works:
